Access our AWS Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) prep material and ace your exam! Listen while walking, commuting, driving or even cooking! Its never been so easy to learn while reducing your screen time with our audio tracks.
A Voice-First E-learning Platform in Beta. Our goal is to provide the best learning experience for people away from their screens. Allowing our users to optimize their learning time for certification exams or just general techincal knowledge.
At this early stage, we focus on the AWS Solutions Architect - Associate exam, but lots more content coming! Stay tuned!
Access at this early stage of TechWalk helps us grow faster! Try us out now and get 6 months access free when we end our Beta and have our official launch!
Our Audio tracks are curated and reviewed by AWS experts to achieve our high quality bar. We record our tracks in top of the line recording studios to quarantee both the quality of the audio, aswell as the quality of the information
Save time with our summaries! All our full length content includes summaries, meaning you can pick and choose which content to optimise your time with, For example, listen to the full track one week, and refresh your memory the following week with just the summary.
As IT professionals, we spend enough time infront of our screens! AI Tutor is built as a voice first application for use without a screen! Listen to our content on Alexa enabled devices. Just say `Alexa, Open AI Tutor`. AI Tutor will do the rest and pick out what we think you should listen too
Download your favourite tracks on your phone and access them without internet access! Going on a long hike in the mountains? Or a transatlantic flight? Access your content anywhere!
All our content comes with quizzes to assess how well you understand the information, you can track your results and improvement on our platform, Importantly, this allows us to know your strong and weak points, we use a custom deep learning model which tracks your progress and gives you better content recomendations
Tell us the date of your certification, Our custom machine learning model analyses your performance and creates a customised tailored schedule made just for you. You will get notifications to remind you to listen to specific tracks on specific days coming up to your certification